Kategorie: programming

  • Source Code as an act of communication

    Taking from the last lon­ger pie­ce and a very good idea that @codePrincess lin­ked to in a blog post: Code that says what it does. Of cour­se, source code also is a medi­um of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on bet­ween human and human – but the per­son you are wri­ting for may just be the future you. And just…

  • Icons from the future

    Some­thing that I’d tru­ly like to see is smar­ter icons, both on iOS and the desktop. What if your icon were a litt­le, con­stant­ly run­ning snip­pet of Java­Script code that had access to the files within the appli­ca­ti­on that brought it along? That way, the app could store sta­te infor­ma­ti­on for various times the icon…

  • User Interfaces as an act of communication

    Even though we tend to com­ple­te­ly for­get about that, soft­ware quite often is a means of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on bet­ween humans. I am not refer­ring to the way the pro­duct gets used (and a lot of soft­ware nowa­days is used for direct human to human com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, be that one-to-one or one-to-many) but rather that the enti­re user…

  • Lazy loading in PHP

    In more pro­jects than I care to think about, I’ve seen a pat­tern that I dis­li­ke the more I see it. It appears quite inno­cent, but it brings about cost with no dis­cer­ni­ble benefit.  Inclu­ding all of the application’s source code on each and every call being made to a page. It may be that…

  • Fluency in programming languages

    I recent­ly had a con­ver­sa­ti­on with a fri­end who is curr­ent­ly job hun­ting for a pro­gramming job. He is a smart guy who holds a PhD in phy­sics, has spent a good num­ber of years in rese­arch and – as part of the life of a modern phy­si­cist – had to wri­te code as part…