Home media integration and other televisory matters

Fol­lo­wing up on my last pos­ting, the­re are a few more things that come to mind when thin­king about the future of TV sets. With all tho­se video strea­ming ser­vices that I want, I also would like inte­gra­ti­on with my lapop (or iPho­ne or iPad, or wha­te­ver other media con­sump­ti­on devices the­re are in the house­hold). If I see a video on one of my devices, I’d like to be able to easi­ly trans­fer that run­ning stream onto my TV set. So, for ins­tance, I am brow­sing TED and find a pre­sen­ta­ti­on that I’d like to con­ti­nue wat­ching while I do some­thing else on an iPad (which I curr­ent­ly don’t own, but that is ano­ther topic). So then, I’d like to boun­ce the stream off to the TV set in the room I’m curr­ent­ly in and con­ti­nue to use the iPad for other things.
And on the sub­ject of trans­fers: I more often than not car­ry my iPho­ne on me. I can easi­ly have my ear­pho­nes plug­ged in the­re, and the cable not tang­le with any­thing. So then, my lap­top should link up with the audio out­put of the iPho­ne and trans­fer it’s sound out via the iPho­ne. That way, I could walk around and con­ti­nue to lis­ten to what I have on the com­pu­ter – or just not be tied to the com­pu­ter by means of head­pho­ne cable.
I’d like to be able to watch HD con­tent, record and play­back it at my lei­su­re. And get HD con­tent in such a way so that I can watch dif­fe­rent HD chan­nels on dif­fe­rent TV sets con­curr­ent­ly, and wit­hout pay­ing a month­ly sum for every sin­gle device. We can do that now, with the plain ana­log cable ser­vice that we have. By means of cabling, we can dis­tri­bu­te the signal to mul­ti­ple TV sets. Any­thing but that would be a step back­ward, to my mind. It would be a gre­at plus if the HD con­tent could also be wat­ched on lap­tops (and we have both Win­dows and Mac­in­tosh devices in the house­hold, of which one Win­dows lap­top regu­lar­ly gets used for wat­ching TV with a USB TV tuner), but that is even a secon­da­ry goal. I’d be hap­py if we could just get two TV sets. Of cour­se, if we just had one media sto­rage solu­ti­on so that recor­dings of TV shows could be shown on any screen around, that would be a plus – but that seems to curr­ent­ly not be easi­ly available.
It seems there’s still a gre­at many chal­lenges out the­re to get media stuff working con­ve­ni­ent­ly and easily … 

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