Yahoo MyWeb 2.0

Coming via an artic­le on Jere­my Zawodny’s blog to rea­ding Get­ting MyWeb, I find it hard to bring it in line with what I do not like about my per­so­nal expe­ri­ence with the pro­duct. I admit that I was hoo­ked by the idea and have been thin­king long and hard how I would like to orga­ni­ze my book­marks – or rather, what tools would make it easier for me to orga­ni­ze my web sur­fing and hel­ping my infor­ma­tio­nal needs.

What made me give up on using it was, in fact, the speed of the thing. I’m most­ly well-con­nec­ted, but if I want to extern­al­ly remem­ber some­thing in my brow­sing, I do not want to wait for a win­dow to enter my data in for thir­ty seconds to a minu­te. I want tight inte­gra­ti­on, I want to see quick­ly how things go. To me, it see­med to be more of a pro­of-of-con­cept than an actual­ly usable application. 

So when will we be get­ting the real thing?

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