The weekly team meeting. So many places have them, so few developers like them. Why is that so? In my experience, more often than not, the goal of those meetings is entirely unclear: why should we all get together once per week, wasting perfectly good work hours – or maybe even the time they had already planned to take off! – if there isn’t even a clear, obvious reason to or at least a decent enough agenda?
Here’s a few ideas to make it more fun and more interesting – dare to turn the meeting into an event people actually look forward to!
- Have people present a truly good idea they had this week
- Have participants give a ten minute presentation on a technology close to their heart; it need not be something relevant to the project; it should be something the others actually learn something new from.
- Encourage brain storming and thinking deep about the given subject. Like: In an ideal world, what things could we be doing to improve our product? What ideas does everyone have and has not dared to share yet? What would be a single thing that would improve the product greatly?
- Surprise the team once in a while: is it hot? Bring a bucket or three of ice cream. Is it cold? Arrange for rosted chestnuts to be brought along.
By the way: do you have a team mascot yet? If so, have a few of them made as plushies.
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