Kategorie: Quotes
Der Wahn der Unschuld
Aus ‘Pathosophie’ von Viktor von Weizäcker, 1956 Es wäre nichts Aufregendes dabei, wenn jemand sich unschuldig am Wetter, am Lauf der Planeten und am Hergang chemischer Reaktionen fühlt. Stellt sich aber dann heraus, dass die Statistik eine Häufung der Verbrechen bei bestimmter Wetterlage und zu gewissen Jahreszeiten nachweist, dass ferner das Zustandekommen von solchen Untaten…
Needs as nuisance
To put is as succinctly as possible, these people all find desire or impulse to be a nuisance or even a threat and therefore will try generally to get rid of it, to deny or avoid it. This contention is sometimes an accurate report of what is the case. The physiological needs, the need for safety,…
The future
Also, we must realize that only the future is in principle unknown and unknowable, which means all habits, defenses and coping mechanisms are doubtful and ambiguous since they are based on past experience. Only the flexibly creative person can really manage the future, only the one who can face novelty with confidence and without fear.…