Kategorie: Quotes

  • Needs as nuisance

    To put is as suc­cinct­ly as pos­si­ble, the­se peo­p­le all find desi­re or impul­se to be a nui­sance or even a thre­at and the­r­e­fo­re will try gene­ral­ly to get rid of it, to deny or avo­id it. This con­ten­ti­on is some­ti­mes an accu­ra­te report of what is the case. The phy­sio­lo­gi­cal needs, the need for safe­ty,…

  • The future

    Also, we must rea­li­ze that only the future is in prin­ci­ple unknown and unkno­wa­ble, which means all habits, defen­ses and coping mecha­nisms are doubtful and ambi­guous sin­ce they are based on past expe­ri­ence. Only the fle­xi­bly crea­ti­ve per­son can real­ly mana­ge the future, only the one who can face novel­ty with con­fi­dence and wit­hout fear.…