Interesting developments

I’ve publicly admit­ted that I’m quite a fan of Cory Doc­to­row. So it will hard­ly come as a sur­pri­se that I’m also on his mai­ling list. Today, he sent out a pie­ce of mail that’s also appeared on Boing­bo­ing: Cory Off­line. This got me thinking.

This pie­ce of e‑mail (and blog pos­ting) to me is much more than just the fact that the man now is final­ly in a posi­ti­on to take a pro­ba­b­ly much-deser­ved vaca­ti­on. But I also find it inte­res­t­ing that he announ­ces that so very publicly. I’ve hard­ly ever seen an artist who is in such a tight loop with a glo­bal audience—assuming that ques­ti­ons on his whe­re­a­bouts would pop up had he just gone on holi­days wit­hout the announcement. 

Mr Doc­to­row is quite the inter­net figu­re: He’s well-con­nec­ted and has a clear grasp of what cur­rent trends are, both tech­ni­cal­ly and socially—in appli­ca­ti­ons and in legal mat­ters. He’s a pro­li­fic wri­ter who not only pro­du­ces inte­res­t­ing dai­ly con­tent, he also has a sharp mind in deve­lo­ping the cur­rent sta­te of affairs fur­ther and wri­ting gre­at books about it. He’s influ­en­ti­al in sha­ping whe­re things are going by vir­tue of working for the EFF. And now, he’s even accoun­ta­ble for whe­re he is. Publicly. 

To me, at least, this gives a new mea­ning to what being an inter­net cele­bri­ty is. 

Fasci­na­ting stuff. 

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