Kategorie: Software

  • User Interfaces as an act of communication

    Even though we tend to com­ple­te­ly for­get about that, soft­ware quite often is a means of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on bet­ween humans. I am not refer­ring to the way the pro­duct gets used (and a lot of soft­ware nowa­days is used for direct human to human com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, be that one-to-one or one-to-many) but rather that the enti­re user…

  • So geht Support nicht.

    Ich kom­mu­ni­zie­re gera­de mit einem Soft­ware-Anbie­ter wegen Rück­fra­gen über deren Pro­dukt. Zunächst: Sup­port gibt es per E‑Mail oder per 0900-Num­mer. Das stimmt mich ja schon mal nicht posi­tiv. Aber dann: In der ers­ten Mail auf mei­ne Fra­ge wer­den neben der genau­en Ver­si­ons­num­mer – kann ich ja noch ver­ste­hen! – auch noch Seri­en­num­mer und genaue Kun­den­be­zeich­nung abge­fragt.…

  • European Software

    Rea­ding that the Ger­man For­eign Minis­try is about to chan­ge their com­pu­ting desk­tops back from a GNU/­Li­nux-based sys­tem to Micro­soft Win­dows and their Office offe­rings, a thing that has been on my mind for a while comes back again. I think it would be very wort­hwhile to start an initia­ti­ve to fos­ter euro­pean soft­ware; I think…

  • Software I like: Evernote

    I’ve been a user of Ever­no­te for quite a while now, and I must admit that I’m also one of the lovers of that ser­vice. It does data sto­rage the way I felt it should be done. You can access your notes via local appli­ca­ti­ons on desk­top and lap­top, and that works well. I per­so­nal­ly…