When I grow up, I want to be …

a wri­ter. I’ve always had a fasci­na­ti­on with wri­ting. I’ve always dreamt of wri­ting. There’s much I like about it: The fee­ling of the fin­gers tou­ch­ing the key­board, seing the screen fill with my thoughts and ide­as, being able to bring them into the minds of other peo­p­le. I also like the idea of peo­p­le get­ting to know me through rea­ding my stuff; heck, who would­n’t be impres­sed of seing some of his work prin­ted or being asked ques­ti­ons about things one wro­te? So far, more of my expe­ri­ence in wri­ting is in code. Most of the time, I like wri­ting code, but I’d also like to wri­te pro­se. I still have the impres­si­on that they’­re somehow rela­ted (or at least, some kinds of pro­gramming are rela­ted to some kinds of writing).
My pro­blem is just that I have so litt­le ide­as. Or rather, I have some ide­as but am sel­dom­ly hap­py with the way they turn out. I seem to be unable to deve­lop them into more than just sta­tic vignet­tes. Cha­rac­ter deve­lo­p­ment? What’s that? But may­be it’s a mat­ter of focus and disci­pli­ne. So far, I’ve always writ­ten down in one run, more stream of con­scious­ness than any­thing else. But may­be the trick is just to sit down a cer­tain times and con­ti­nue doing the thing. 

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