Lessons in customer support

I – pro­ba­b­ly along with many, many others of the iPho­ne Twit­ter App – dis­co­ver­ed some­thing that I con­sider a bug. As soon as you rota­te the pho­ne, your posi­ti­on in your time­line is utter­ly garb­led. Whe­re you are after tur­ning has no resem­blan­ce whatsoe­ver to whe­re you were befo­re. That means: Take the pho­ne, rota­te it, rota­te it back and you’­re at a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent place than before. 

This quite goes against the law of least sur­pri­se for the user. So I tried to inform Twit­ter of that bug. I sear­ched for a place for such feed­back, did inde­ed file the report and included what I take to be a start on how to resol­ve the issue. I recei­ved an ans­wer from Twit­ter a few days later, but with some­thing that I con­sider to be com­ple­te­ly bes­i­de the point. The ans­wer, basi­cal­ly was, „If this is a pro­blem for you, you can rota­ti­on-lock your pho­ne.“ Come on, Twit­ter. You can do bet­ter than that. If the mail back had at least included some­thing like „Thank you for report­ing your con­cern, we will look at this intern­al­ly“ or „Thank you, we will con­sider how to best deal with the issue for a future release,“ all would have been well. But to be told that this is a non-issue is, to be honest, most dis­ap­poin­ting. And yes, I do inde­ed con­sider this to be a pro­blem. And no, I do not con­sider rota­ti­on-lock­ng the pho­ne an appro­pria­te solu­ti­on. (I do tend to type on the land­scape key­board, but read on the por­trait ori­en­ta­ti­on, so I do in fact quite like to chan­ge the direc­tion of the phone.

And it would have been easy to not make me frus­tra­ted about this, too. 

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