Programming for quite a while … 

One of the most important things I’ve read all week: 

Any­way, at din­ner the other night the ques­ti­on came up of what’s the diff betw pro­gramming after 37 years, and pro­gramming after say 10 or 15. Here’s the deal. I know now that it’s important to pace mys­elf. When I reach a level, I have to stop and admi­re the view. May­be build a house or at least a ham­mock. Bring elec­ti­ri­ci­ty in. Find out whe­re the super­mar­ket is, and the Starbuck’s. Don’t be so quick to move on, to build on your accom­plish­ments. It takes many years to undo the mista­kes you make when you thought you were in a rush. It’s much fas­ter to catch your breath and think. Even pon­der a litt­le. Weigh the choices. 

Dave Winer at After X Years of Pro­gramming.

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