Things I don’t quite understand

The fin­ger­print sen­sor could inde­ed be quite a game chan­ger. But I don’t under­stand why they don’t push into that direc­tion more. 

Apple is big on pro­tec­ting child­ren; Apps car­ry an age rest­ric­tion; Mac OS has a rather advan­ced sys­tem of making cer­tain capa­bi­li­ties or web­sites available over a cen­tral func­tion (that is even available over the net­work). With the advent of the fin­ger­print sen­sor, the device now with the most natu­ral ease available iden­ti­fy the per­son who acces­ses it and open up cer­tain func­tions whilst kee­ping others locked. This makes per­fect sen­se in many ways: dia­l­ing rules that let child­ren access only a very small list of num­bers, or even give them a but­ton for ‚emer­gen­cy calls‘ that only lets them call two or three num­bers, whilst at the same time trans­mit­ting all infor­ma­ti­on it can about that call (GPS posi­ti­on, envi­ron­men­tal con­di­ti­ons, what do I know). It could let par­ents disable access to cer­tain appli­ca­ti­ons or in-app purcha­ses. It could even do time-based things. 

And once tho­se func­tions are available, they could make the pho­ne so much more appe­al­ing to enter­pri­se cus­to­mers, too. 

Also, the fin­ger­print sen­sor could be so con­ve­ni­ent for any app that does encryp­ti­on. Not making it available at all (and that’s the way I unders­tood the key­note) seems like a stran­ge choice there. 

If they’­re serious about Siri in the car, why did they not show part­ners that will use iOS as soon as it’s available? Whe­re are the car manu­fac­tu­r­ers that are coope­ra­ting with Apple on that? 

I also do not under­stand why they spread out in three dif­fe­rent models that way – but I trust them to under­stand the mar­ket dyna­mics bet­ter than I do. 

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