Apple Tablet and convergence

I’ve writ­ten some of my thoughts on the Apple Tablet befo­re, and my hopes that it will not be using the iPho­ne soft­ware dis­tri­bu­ti­on model.

But the­re is ano­ther aspect about the tablet I am going to be very curious about; I think it might be the cen­tral ele­ment to a Apple home media stra­tegy. With the Air­Port Express being able to stream music and Apple TV recei­ving media for the tel­ly, I think the tablet would make a natu­ral con­trol­ler for a seam­less media expe­ri­ence. Get some­thing you see on the tablet onto the TV? Use Apple TV. Want to hear some­thing over the ste­reo? Stream it onto Air­Port express. 

I still own (but hard­ly ever use) a cd3o, becau­se I belie­ve that is a natu­ral way to have your audio. I’ve been reluc­tant to get an Air­Port express, but inte­gra­ti­on with the tablet? That might be migh­ty interesting. 

Let’s see what happens. 

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