Kategorie: Technology
Life changing …Â
No, I would not describe any of the Macintoshes I used or owned as life changing. My course of life was too much directed towards professional geekdom; my interests had always been aligned with that stuff so that I would not call any single of the computers I had life changing. The first Mac I…
Bücher, Daten, Internet
Ich bin ein ziemlicher Bücherwurm. Schon während meines Aufwachsens waren mir Bücher wichtig und wert. Ich hatte meine Stammbuchhandlung, die Buchhändler dort kannten mich gut. Von Zeit zu Zeit half ich ein wenig bei technischen Problemen, oder ich durfte Bücher schon mal in Muffins bezahlen. Mein Geschmack, meine Interessen: das war dort alles klar –…
Verschlüsselung ist nicht Teil der Lösung, sondern Teil des Problems
Im Rahmen der globalen Internet-Überwachung, die PRISM und Tempora offensichtlich gemacht haben – und wahrscheinlich gibt es doch auch noch andere Programme in anderen Staaten – ist ein Gutteil des Online-Diskurses der Frage gewidmet, wie man sich selbst mit Verschlüsselung schützen kann. Nach meinem Dafürhalten ist aber der Einsatz von Verschlüsselung keine Lösung des Problems: weder für…
Und nochmal: Zeitung.
An nahezu jedem Computer werden wir daran erinnert, dass es eine Zeit gab, in der Tageszeitungen die technologische Entwicklung getrieben haben. Die Schrift „Times New Roman“ hat ihren Namen von ihrem Auftraggeber und ihrer Verwendung: Die London Times lies eine Schrift entwerfen, die auf den damals neu aufkommenden Rotationspressen auch bei höheren Geschwindigkeiten möglichst gut…
Eine Notiz zum Apple Event
Ich gebe es zu: wie so viele andere Apple-Fans saß auch ich um kurz nach 19 Uhr vor meinem iPad und sah mir den Livestream an. Ich wollte hören und sehen, was Apple denn nun eigentlich anzukündigen und zu zeigen hat; hatte meine eigenen Theorien was zu sehen sein würde und was nicht, und entzog…
Steve Jobs: A Lost Interview
Ich sitze gerade auf dem Balkon und sehe auf dem iPad ein Video von Steve Jobs, das zu seligen NeXT-Zeiten entstand. Interessant, in vielen Facetten. Steve Jobs – Lost Interview from John on Vimeo.
Features for Twitter for Mac
Twitter’s native app for Mac OS has been my primary Twitter environment for some time now. I used it before it got that entirely new (nonstandard) user interface. I still like it better than the other Twitter app’s I’ve seen out there, but there are a few gripes with it that I have. I like to…
Liebe Zeitungswebsite-CMS-Konfektionierer, die Druckansichten auf Euren Websites sind ja durchaus sehr praktisch. Könnt Ihr es aber bitte so einrichten, dass die Druckansicht nicht ein neues Fenster oder ein neues Tab öffnet, sondern einfach in meinem aktuellen Browser geladen wird, so wie jede andere Seite auch? Und könnt ihr auch auf den JavaScript-Aufruf des Druck-Dialogs verzichten?…
Nokia/Microsoft vs. …
I get the very distinct impression that MicroNokia are not setting themselves up to compete against Apple, but much rather primarily against Google’s Android. Largely, this is because again we’re seeing a split between hardware and software companies. In splitting apart those kinds of development, they are at a disadvantage to bring about the same…
Why IMAP is a good model for cloud services
I do admit it: I like the IMAP protocol. I regularly use multiple computers and my iPhone, and I read and write email on all of them. IMAP makes that convenient: I have the same view of my folders and my inbox on every computer. We also use a Webmail client that uses IMAP as…
Data Roaming?
Coming home from two weeks abroad and some idle time to think, I have a few more topics to blog about. One of them is one of the things I consider one of the most obscene forms of ripoff the mobile phone carriers do is „data roaming.“ If you want to bring your smartphone online, what…
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
It is a widely held belief that Steve Jobs is a man to transform industries. He’s done it before, and I think he (with his company Apple) has set his eyes to do it yet again. This time, it’s telephony. And I can’t blame him, it is a god-awful industry we (as a species, globally)…
Lessons in customer support
I – probably along with many, many others of the iPhone Twitter App – discovered something that I consider a bug. As soon as you rotate the phone, your position in your timeline is utterly garbled. Where you are after turning has no resemblance whatsoever to where you were before. That means: Take the phone,…
So there’s a new Kindle that looks quite attractive. Many things on the Kindle plattform appear quite nice: You can read the Kindle books on multiple devices (the Kindle app for iPhone and iPad just as well as your desktop and laptop computer) and have your library available on all devices equally. The way I…
Home media integration and other televisory matters
Following up on my last posting, there are a few more things that come to mind when thinking about the future of TV sets. With all those video streaming services that I want, I also would like integration with my lapop (or iPhone or iPad, or whatever other media consumption devices there are in the…
TV sets and online experience
It seems that TV sets that offer some form of web connectivity are the latest craze, right next with the 3D stuff that is not yet ready for consumption, at least to my mind. I say web connectivity because it’s about the web more than it is about internet connectivity – the TV sets are…
More basement finds …
So if you thought that the last post dates me, see here. This is from the mid eighties, magnetic stripes to save stuff on. One stripe held all of 1.2 kb. What fun to remember!
URL shortening, a new approach
There is an approach in URL shorteners that I have not yet seen, but think that has some merit: Store all the information for the URLs in a DNS zone. Store the URLs you point to as TXT records. The zone can then be pulled and perused at will. That way, data is never stored…
Look what I found!
Cleaning up the basement (because we had some water leaking in, but that is a different matter entirely), I found stuff that practically makes me feel ancient …
An iPhone API I’d like to see
Just talking about the iPhone, there is an API that I’d like to see and I’m sure many applications would benefit from: A download manager. Â I imagine that an app could register to pull the content of a specific URL or the answer from a Web Service at a specified time or at specified intervals,…