Autor: K. Neuwirth

  • Zeitungs-Websites

    Lie­be Zeitungswebsite-CMS-Konfektionierer, die Druck­an­sich­ten auf Euren Web­sites sind ja durch­aus sehr prak­tisch. Könnt Ihr es aber bit­te so ein­rich­ten, dass die Druck­an­sicht nicht ein neu­es Fens­ter oder ein neu­es Tab öff­net, son­dern ein­fach in mei­nem aktu­el­len Brow­ser gela­den wird, so wie jede ande­re Sei­te auch? Und könnt ihr auch auf den Java­Script-Auf­ruf des Druck-Dia­logs ver­zich­ten?…

  • Emacs: Saving buffer in different encoding

    So once again I had a file that I nee­ded to save in UTF8, becau­se the ori­gi­nal for­mat it came in was dif­fe­rent. And time and again, I had to cha­se down the appro­pria­te thing in the Emacs docu­men­ta­ti­on. So here is how to do it: C-x [RET] f CODING [RET] CODING is the coding for­mat;…

  • re:publica Widget

    As you can see from the side­bar, I’m going to re:publica 2011. As a con­ve­ni­ence to other Word­Press blog­gers, I’ve made a small wid­get to include the re:publica Ban­ner on your blog. You can down­load it from my blog. To install: Down­load re:publica XI Wid­get. Unzip and upload the con­tents to the direc­to­ry wp-content/plugins/ insi­de your…

  • European Software

    Rea­ding that the Ger­man For­eign Minis­try is about to chan­ge their com­pu­ting desk­tops back from a GNU/­Li­nux-based sys­tem to Micro­soft Win­dows and their Office offe­rings, a thing that has been on my mind for a while comes back again. I think it would be very wort­hwhile to start an initia­ti­ve to fos­ter euro­pean soft­ware; I think…

  • Nokia/Microsoft vs. …

    I get the very distinct impres­si­on that Micro­No­kia are not set­ting them­sel­ves up to com­pe­te against Apple, but much rather pri­ma­ri­ly against Google’s Android. Lar­ge­ly, this is becau­se again we’­re see­ing a split bet­ween hard­ware and soft­ware com­pa­nies. In split­ting apart tho­se kinds of deve­lo­p­ment, they are at a dis­ad­van­ta­ge to bring about the same…

  • Why IMAP is a good model for cloud services

    I do admit it: I like the IMAP pro­to­col. I regu­lar­ly use mul­ti­ple com­pu­ters and my iPho­ne, and I read and wri­te email on all of them. IMAP makes that con­ve­ni­ent: I have the same view of my fol­ders and my inbox on every com­pu­ter. We also use a Web­mail cli­ent that uses IMAP as…

  • Kaffeepadleserei.

    Aus­ge­hend von einer Twit­ter-Kon­ver­sa­ti­on, an der auch ich mich betei­ligt habe, ist bei Maxx­olu­ti­on ein Blog-Arti­kel ent­stan­den: die Kaf­fee-Fra­ge, Mei­nung erwünscht. Auch AIX­hi­bit betei­ligt sich auf deren Blog: Kaf­fee Fra­ge. Aus­ge­gan­gen war die Dis­kus­si­on ja davon, dass ich kein gros­ser Freund von Nes­pres­so bin; nicht zuletzt, weil das Kaf­fee­pul­ver pro Tas­se in einem der ener­gie­in­ten­sivs­ten…

  • Steve Jobs for President (or: Apple Engineering for politics)

    I admit it: I’ve star­ted rea­ding A Regu­lar Guy by Mona Simpson which starts out by the main cha­rac­ter deci­ding he would like to run for office. I am not enter­tai­ning any pet theo­ries on the likeli­ne­ss of Ste­ve Jobs ente­ring public poli­tics or run­ning for an office (or his par­ti­cu­lar talents making him a…

  • Data Roaming?

    Coming home from two weeks abroad and some idle time to think, I have a few more topics to blog about. One of them is one of the things I con­sider one of the most obs­ce­ne forms of rip­off the mobi­le pho­ne car­ri­ers do is „data roa­ming.“ If you want to bring your smart­phone online, what…

  • Be afraid. Be very afraid.

    It is a wide­ly held belief that Ste­ve Jobs is a man to trans­form indus­tries. He’s done it befo­re, and I think he (with his com­pa­ny Apple) has set his eyes to do it yet again. This time, it’s tele­pho­ny. And I can’t bla­me him, it is a god-awful indus­try we (as a spe­ci­es, glo­bal­ly)…

  • Lessons in customer support

    I – pro­ba­b­ly along with many, many others of the iPho­ne Twit­ter App – dis­co­ver­ed some­thing that I con­sider a bug. As soon as you rota­te the pho­ne, your posi­ti­on in your time­line is utter­ly garb­led. Whe­re you are after tur­ning has no resem­blan­ce whatsoe­ver to whe­re you were befo­re. That means: Take the pho­ne,…

  • Mailman problems

    For one of lists, one of the sub­scri­bers had the stran­gest pro­blem. He kept get­ting boun­ces that the list ali­as does not even exist, whilst at the same time other sub­scri­bers could well wri­te to that list. It turns out that his mail ser­ver was rewri­ting the To:-address, resol­ving the CNAME of the host­na­me that…

  • Wow. Just wow.

    Hard to belie­ve they actual­ly do this!

  • PowerDNS under MacOS X 10.6.4

    Thanks to an ent­ry on LSD::RELOAD I was final­ly able to get powerdns to run on my MacOS X 10.6.4 system.  Out of per­so­nal pre­fe­rence I wan­ted it to run with post­gres­ql ins­tead of mys­ql, so the­re was a litt­le figu­ring out invol­ved in how to get things going wit­hout the mys­ql dri­ver – appar­ent­ly,…

  • Requiring code in PHP

    While wri­ting the code to hand­le a small form in PHP, I just rea­li­zed that I have a very bad habit – and many just do the same. When I wri­te a new file, I place all the includes at the very top, befo­re any­thing else hap­pens. But in my cur­rent script, the­re are many code…

  • eBooks

    So there’s a new Kind­le that looks quite attrac­ti­ve. Many things on the Kind­le platt­form appear quite nice: You can read the Kind­le books on mul­ti­ple devices (the Kind­le app for iPho­ne and iPad just as well as your desk­top and lap­top com­pu­ter) and have your libra­ry available on all devices equal­ly. The way I…

  • Software I like: Evernote

    I’ve been a user of Ever­no­te for quite a while now, and I must admit that I’m also one of the lovers of that ser­vice. It does data sto­rage the way I felt it should be done. You can access your notes via local appli­ca­ti­ons on desk­top and lap­top, and that works well. I per­so­nal­ly…

  • Home media integration and other televisory matters

    Fol­lo­wing up on my last pos­ting, the­re are a few more things that come to mind when thin­king about the future of TV sets. With all tho­se video strea­ming ser­vices that I want, I also would like inte­gra­ti­on with my lapop (or iPho­ne or iPad, or wha­te­ver other media con­sump­ti­on devices the­re are in the…

  • TV sets and online experience

    It seems that TV sets that offer some form of web con­nec­ti­vi­ty are the latest cra­ze, right next with the 3D stuff that is not yet rea­dy for con­sump­ti­on, at least to my mind. I say web con­nec­ti­vi­ty becau­se it’s about the web more than it is about inter­net con­nec­ti­vi­ty – the TV sets are…

  • My code sucks.

    Cha­sing a link via Twit­ter, I recent­ly read Your code sucks. Having gone over a lot of other people’s code mys­elf, and wri­ting code for long enough to have a good histo­ry of my own work to go over, it reso­na­ted with me.  I recent­ly had the misp­lea­su­re of debug­ging a pie­ce of code that I…